Thursday 5 November 2009


We returned from Edinburgh late on Saturday night. We had spent the previous week on the Isle of Harris, plastering and decorating the living room of our cottage, ready for the Christmas holidays. We barely left the house all week, there was lots to be done, but we're pleased with the results. Didn't get any walking done but hopefully Christmas will be different as we're going for 2 weeks and aren't planning to do any work! The weather in Edinburgh was awful, torrential rain all day we all were soaked to the skin. Had car trouble about 25 miles from home so it was an eventful trip.

Tuesday 20 October 2009

I've successfully added a slideshow, which is rather exciting.

Monday 19 October 2009

Will I or won't I?

I've long toyed with the idea of starting a blog. I set this one up in May I think but this is my first post. Not that I've made a decision, just want to see how it works. It seems a bit of a cliché writing a blog. Also not sure I've enough to say to make it worthwhile. We'll see .....